
Dance Adventure, Inc. and the Dance Center of Greenwich
Now in its 34th season, Dance Adventure, Inc. and the Dance Center of Greenwich have been the favorite choice for dancers of all ages: parent & child, pre-schoolers, ballet, pointe, hip hop, tap, jazz, Irish, and modern. Since its first full year in 1992, the studio has taught over seven thousand students from the Greenwich, Stamford and Westchester area.
Director, Nola Van Alstine, is an accomplished performer and award-winning teacher. She apprenticed with the Eric Hawkins Dance Company in New York City, and later joined the Carol Conway Dance Company, where she taught company classes for young professionals. She performed at Lincoln Center and countless other venues for modern dance in New York City and the USA.
She became the Dance Specialist at the Westside Montesorri School, and taught at private schools in Manattan including the Grace Church School, Third Street Settlement School and was Head Instructor of the Young Dancer's Division at Ballet Academy East.
Miss Nola's philosophy embraces teaching dance technique with imaginative illustration, and students receive personalized attention. While Dance Adventure focuses on younger student's, the school's second division, The Dance Center of Greenwich, concentrates on curriculum for older students up to pre-professional in Ballet, Pointe, Hip Hop, Jazz, Tap, Modern and Irish Dance.
See BalletStories.com for free membership to Miss Nola's dance-along videos.
Read recent interview with Daily Patch.
Assistant Director, Torrie Marie Hartman, was the Director of her own dance studio in Pleasantville, NY for over eight years, and has taught as a Master Teacher at dance conventions and seminars throughout the USA. She is a regular performer and Project Manager with the Double Up Company & Entertainment.
Sheila Pomroy, Head of Tap and Irish Dancing, is an accomplished choreographer and teacher, and is on the faculty at the Broadway School of Dance in Manhattan, with television appearances on Fox, Univision and ABC.
Other teachers and pianists are from New York City and other surrounding areas, and are part of the excellent group of performers that make up Dance Adventure's teaching staff.
Live piano accompaniment has always been a hallmark of Dance Adventure classes for ages five and younger.
Nancy Gold, Administrative Director, Dance Teaching Assistant